The crafting of chocolate profiterolles
My all time favorite desert, what I always order at the restaurant in France. One day I decided to just make it. And its not so hard.
My all time favorite desert, what I always order at the restaurant in France. One day I decided to just make it. And its not so hard.
A spin on the classic french dish coq au vin with white instead of red wine. I find that it is a bit lighter yet still delicious.
I like to give a twist to the honey sauce using vietnamese 4 spices : star anise, cloves, pepper and cinnamon. Also like to add some hotness to the potatoes using piment d’espelette.
When you live in NYC and don’t have a barbecue handy, its possible to make Bún chả in a pan. It works. Of course the charcoal flavor is missing, but it’s still a good fix for the craving.